You may have heard about prostate massage as well as milking the prostate. You may well have experienced it or perhaps know someone who has. Though you may not be conscious of the risks and dangers. The prostate gland is a delicate sensitive organ and should be viewed as you would any internal organ – with respect, attention as well as with your utmost health as the primary goal.
While many medical doctors have been using massage or milking in the past there’s no chance to learn just how many, if any, are using massage now. It comes with some serious risks and shilajit dangers and if they are using this treatment or procedure it would be aided by the utmost care. It is claimed that some physicians have used massage to relieve chronic prostatitis, something which doctors regularly prescribe drugs or medicines for now.
Thus letting someone massage your milk or prostate the prostate gland of yours or doing it yourself might not be a sensible choice. You will be doing some significant damage for an one time experience which ends up might not being pleasurable.
As you probably know, the prostate gland is one component of the male reproductive system and has seminal fluid and is included in ejaculation and orgasm. It’s situated just behind the bladder and is all about the size of a walnut. The gland is susceptible to lots of diseases and conditions including probably the most frequent, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), generally called an enlarged prostate, along with acute or chronic proatatitis and prostate cancer.
It contains many sensitive nerves particularly on the top as well as center component of the gland. pressing or Pushing on this particular part of the gland can conduct some serious damage.
The gland is usually inflamed without your understanding or without having all symptoms called acute prostatitis. If you are massaging or trying to milk the gland you can actually harm it. A risk will be if you have severe prostatitis you could wind up with Fournier’s Gangrene, a major illness, also linked with diabetes mellitus.
You are able to get blood poisoning called septicemia. Many people die of septicemia each year. You might cause some hemorrhoid issues. And worst of all if you’ve prostate cancer you may be motivating it to move out of the gland into the blood stream or into the lymph system and spread to various other areas of the body.
You are able to also damage a component of the urethra – that is the channel that urine flows through.
صفحه اصلی / فرهنگ اقوام مختلف ایران / Prostate Massage and also Milking the Prostate – Dangers and risks – Nurse’s Guide
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